Category: Uncategorized

Translation of Government Forms

Translation of government forms holds a very important place in involving and making society more accessible. Government documents translated into various languages will make sure that the most crucial services and information are available to all citizens within that language group. Let...

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Immigration Documents Translation

When applying for immigration, accurate and authentic document translation is essential. Immigration authorities require translated documents to be precise and certified, ensuring that they reflect the true meaning of the original documents. This process involves translating birth certificates, marriage certificates, academic transcripts,...

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Applying for Asylum in the USA? Then Translate Your Documents!

In recent years, immigrants crossing the border from Mexico to the U.S. and seeking asylum have faced complex challenges. Understanding the required documents and the importance of translation in this process is crucial for a successful application, especially when surrendering to border...

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Lenguae aims to teach language in a comprehensive way. With our courses, you will learn to understand and express yourself in both in writing and speaking, while also getting in touch with the culture of the countries that speak the language you’re learning. All our teachers are experienced in language teaching, being either native speakers or having lived abroad.

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