Handling Urgent or Rush Jobs in Language Services Correctly

Language service providers like us often have to face the challenge of managing urgent or rush jobs.

On top of that, we also strive to do it while maintaining the trust and satisfaction of our customers.

To achieve such feat, we have several guidelines for urgent and rush jobs made to assure customers of our reliability and capability in handling tight deadlines:

Clear Communication and Realistic Promises

Transparency is a must of every job we do.

We assure our clients that we can handle urgent jobs by being clear about our capacity and realistic regarding timelines.

We avoid overpromising and proceed only when our clients understand what can be realistically achieved.

Detailed explanations of the process for managing rush jobs, including resource prioritization and workflow management, help build trust.

Demonstrated Experience

We share some incredible case studies and testimonials from past clients to demonstrate our experience and reliability in handling urgent requests.

By highlighting a track record of successfully meeting tight deadlines reassures our clients of our capability to deliver under pressure.

Dedicated Teams and Resources

Many language service providers like us have specialized teams or linguists trained to handle urgent jobs efficiently.

They allocate additional resources, such as extra personnel or advanced tools, to ensure quick turnaround times without compromising quality.

Advanced Technology and Tools

Leveraging advanced technologies, such as Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools and translation memory, helps expedite the translation process while maintaining consistency and accuracy.

At Lenguae, we detail specific efficiency measures and technologies in place that help speed up the process, such as automated workflows and real-time collaboration tools.

Quality Assurance

Despite the urgency, we emphasize that the quality of our work is never compromised (and never will be).

Our professionals do multiple rounds of review and the use quality assurance tools even for urgent or rush jobs.

Additionally, Lenguae likes to highlight the importance of client feedback and how it is promptly incorporated.

Flexible and Responsive Service

Offering round-the-clock services ensures we can handle urgent requests at any time, emphasizing our availability and responsiveness to client needs.

Lenguae also offer customized solutions that adapt to any specific requirements and providing tailored approaches to meet unique urgent needs.


By having clear policies regarding rush jobs, including any additional costs or conditions, Lenguae communicate these terms upfront to avoid misunderstandings.

Rush jobs are prioritized and such clear communication helps outline any additional steps taken to expedite the process.

By addressing these aspects, we (as a #1 language service providers) can effectively build trust with clients and assure them of our capability to manage urgent or rush jobs without compromising on quality.

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Lenguae aims to teach language in a comprehensive way. With our courses, you will learn to understand and express yourself in both in writing and speaking, while also getting in touch with the culture of the countries that speak the language you’re learning. All our teachers are experienced in language teaching, being either native speakers or having lived abroad.

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