Portuguese Courses for Expatriates

Since 2012, Lenguae has stood out in the market by offering personalized Portuguese courses for expatriates and relocated employees.

Our experience with relocation companies allows us to understand the specific needs of employees arriving in Brazil, facilitating their adaptation and integration.

Partnership with Relocation Companies

We work closely with relocation companies to ensure that each Portuguese course meets the individual requirements of expatriates.

We adapt our teaching materials and methods so that each student learns efficiently and practically.

Our goal is to make them feel confident and comfortable communicating in their daily lives.

Effective Methods

At Lenguae, we use modern and interactive teaching methods.

Our courses include practical activities that simulate real-life situations, allowing students to practice Portuguese in a dynamic and engaging way.

We offer both in-person and online classes, ensuring flexibility for expatriates who need to balance learning with their professional responsibilities.

Benefits for Expatriates and Companies

Learning Portuguese with Lenguae offers numerous benefits for expatriates and their companies.

For expatriates, fluency in the local language improves quality of life, facilitates cultural integration, and increases work efficiency.

For companies, well-integrated and communicative employees contribute to a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Our Commitment

Since 2012, Lenguae has been committed to providing high-quality Portuguese courses.

Our team of experienced and dedicated teachers is ready to help expatriates quickly adapt to Brazil, offering continuous and personalized support.

Trust Lenguae to offer your expatriate employees the best Portuguese learning experience. Our long track record and commitment to excellence ensure positive results for all involved.

Read the full blog

Lenguae aims to teach language in a comprehensive way. With our courses, you will learn to understand and express yourself in both in writing and speaking, while also getting in touch with the culture of the countries that speak the language you’re learning. All our teachers are experienced in language teaching, being either native speakers or having lived abroad.

Career at Lenguae