We Answer 3 Common Questions Regarding Confidentiality!

At Lenguae, we work nonstop to ensure the confidentiality and security of your sensitive information is maintained 24/7.

But how do we do it, effectively? Here’s how:

How Lenguae ensure the confidentiality of your documents?

We take several steps to guarantee the confidentiality of your documents:

Secure Handling

We handle your documents securely from the moment you send them to us to when they are returned to you.

Our professionals also use encrypted storage and transfer methods to prevent unauthorized access.

Access Control

At Lenguae, the access to your documents, shared files and data is strictly limited to authorized personnel only.

Our team members are trained to handle sensitive information with the utmost care and professionalism.


If our customers require it, we can anonymize sensitive information to further protect their privacy.

What measures do Lenguae have in place to protect sensitive information?

To protect all sensitive information our customers shares with us, we like to use a range of different security measures:

  • Encryption: We use advanced encryption protocols for both storage and transmission of documents to ensure data remains secure at all times.
  • Data Minimization: We adhere to the principle of data minimization, collecting and retaining only the information necessary to complete your project.
  • Regular Training: Our staff undergo regular training on data protection and privacy best practices to stay updated with the latest security protocols.
  • Incident Response: We have a dedicated incident response team to quickly address and resolve any security issues that may arise.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)?

Yes, we at Lenguae do sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

We are committed to protecting your confidential information and are happy to formalize this commitment through NDAs.

These agreements provide an additional layer of assurance that your sensitive information will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and care.

You can count on us!

As a top language services provider, we do everything in our power to ensure that our customers documents are always protected throughout the entire job or project.

Costumer trust is paramount to us, and we strive to provide a secure and confidential service at all times.

So don’t hesitate, if you are searching for a language service provider you can count on to keep documents, data and sensitive information safe.

Lenguae: your number #1 choice!

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Lenguae aims to teach language in a comprehensive way. With our courses, you will learn to understand and express yourself in both in writing and speaking, while also getting in touch with the culture of the countries that speak the language you’re learning. All our teachers are experienced in language teaching, being either native speakers or having lived abroad.

Career at Lenguae