Attorney-Client Privilege and Interpreters

Attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the legal profession, ensuring that communication between lawyers and their clients remains confidential.

This privilege fosters open dialogue, allowing clients to share all pertinent information without fear that it will be disclosed.

However, professional interpretation can help in facilitating communication between attorneys and clients who do not speak the same language.

Since the U.S. is becoming more and more diverse, attorneys more than ever are relying on interpreters in such cases.

This introduces complex questions about the scope and preservation of attorney-client privilege when interpreters are involved.

The Role of Interpreters in Legal Settings

Interpreters are indispensable in legal contexts where language barriers exist.

They ensure that non-English-speaking clients can understand legal advice, participate in their defense, and make informed decisions.

This is particularly important in criminal defense, immigration cases, and civil litigation involving diverse populations.

Attorney-Client Privilege: A Brief Overview

Attorney-client privilege protects the confidentiality of communications between lawyers and their clients.

This legal concept is designed to encourage full and frank communication, enabling attorneys to provide the best possible representation. The privilege generally applies to:

  • Oral and written communications: Any exchange of information related to legal advice.
  • Work product: Documents and materials prepared by the attorney in anticipation of litigation.

Interpreters and Attorney-Client Privilege

When interpreters are involved in attorney-client communications, the question arises: does the privilege extend to the interpreter?

The short answer is yes, but it comes with caveats and conditions:

  1. Extension of Privilege: Courts generally recognize that attorney-client privilege extends to interpreters as they are seen as necessary agents or intermediaries who facilitate communication. The interpreter is considered an extension of the attorney, and the privilege covers their presence during privileged conversations.
  2. Confidentiality Obligations: Interpreters must adhere to strict confidentiality standards. They are ethically and, often, legally bound to maintain the privacy of any information disclosed during the course of their work. Breaching this confidentiality can lead to legal consequences and undermine the attorney-client relationship.

Choosing a Good Interpreter

When hiring a interpreter, attorneys and clients must look for some qualities and characteristics that make him/her suitable for the job.

It is desirable that the interpreter:

  • Knows the legal terminology of the U.S. legal setting, and, to some extent, of other countries too;
  • Has a deep understanding of both source and target language;
  • Have experience with court proceedings;
  • Understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality;
  • Has good certifications and proper training that ensure he is properly equipped for the task.

Also, we advise you to document everything in order to uphold the integrity of privileged communications.

This means you should document the presence and role of the interpreter, ensuring clarity about the context in which the interpreter was used.

Legal Precedents and Cases

Various legal precedents affirm the extension of attorney-client privilege to interpreters.

Courts have consistently upheld that communications facilitated by an interpreter are protected, provided the interpreter is acting in their professional capacity and the communication is intended to be confidential.


In an increasingly diverse society (like the U.S.A. society), interpreters play a vital role in ensuring access to justice for non-English-speaking clients.

While attorney-client privilege extends to interpreters, safeguarding this privilege requires careful selection, proper training, and stringent adherence to confidentiality standards.

By addressing these challenges, legal professionals can ensure that the integrity of privileged communications is maintained, fostering trust and effective representation in multilingual legal contexts.

And, if you need to hire a interpreter ASAP, Lenguae has a solution for you!

We have a dedicated legal interpretation service, with competent translators with deep knowledge of source and target language and legal terminology.

With affordable prices, quick turnaround, and great availability, we are confident we can help you.

Contact us for more information by clicking here.

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